Praising God I did NOT have to have breast reduction surgery
they DID reduce
God did it the natural way with diet and exercise
This is how it all started - A few years ago I was so frustrated.
My whole body hurt, my back, my feet, you name it - it hurt.
I was depressed and upset with myself!
I would try to exercise and eat right only to fall apart in hours or even minutes of waking up! I had gotten so large to walk, let alone run HURT! so I almost gave up... I laid on the closest floor and began to cry out to God!
I thought, ok, I am going to go ask for a breast reduction cause I just can't walk, let alone run with this weight on me and I am in pain all the time. (In high school I had lost weight by running so I knew it was possible the only other thing I remember that worked was aerobics class and I was just toooo big to enjoy jumping around in aerobics class or running and it was ALL I knew)
so off I went to my doctor! She said she would give me a referral for a breast reduction and thought that it was a good idea. I asked if I lost the weight would the breasts reduce themselves. She said she didn't believe so because the breast weight came on after childbirth. So, I agreed the breast reduction was the only thing to do.
She said she had to do an EKG, just as a precaution, before making the referral. To the SOCK of both of us it came back abnormal!!
The next thing I knew I was in a cardiologist office having an exam. He said I was in NO SHAPE to have a surgery of any kind and that I had a weak heart - cardiomyopathy.
In more despair than ever before I cried out to God again- what now God!?!
He had my full attention now!
I asked a friend how she lost her weight? "She said, "I pray every day, God give me the desire to eat what you want me to and the desire to exercise in the way you want me to!" I started doing that.
Back then I did not think we had money for a gym and if I am totally honest didn't feel WORTHY of a gym membership but knew I HAD to do something!!! So for the next month I took the FREE 7 day pass at four different gyms.
God let me find water aerobics and I felt LIGHT for the first time in years and years in the water. I ENJOYED the exercise. I was tired don't get me wrong. so tired I couldn't wait to get home for a nap but I looked forward to the classes. Each day I was HAPPY after I did water aerobics and slowly, slowly, noticed my body getting stronger and the weight came off - VERY SLOWLY but it came off!
and now I believed I HAD NO CHOICE but to eat right so started the heart healthy diet. My husband saw me sticking to the workouts and diet! One day he said we would make joining the gym work. So I joined Lifetime Fitness and for almost two years now I have been working out 4 to 7 days a week. All Praise to God on High!!!
Didn't have the breast reduction surgery but they DID reduce... God did it the natural way, with diet and exercise... Many days I wanted to give up - didn't see progress but it took years to put the weight on and would take years to get it off. To God be the glory for answering my prayers - not the way I expected Him too but HE DID answer. He will answer yours toooo :) "Comfort, yes comfort my people, says your God." Isaiah 40:1 Help us God find comfort in your word and not food or other things!
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