Friday, January 14, 2011

Honored Hero's Team in Training 70.3 Triathlon

Ethan Tate

On January 14, 2010, Ethan, 5 years old at the time, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. It was a complete shock for all who know him and his family! Prayers and support began pouring in immediately from friends, family, his teachers, his school, his church, and even from perfect strangers! These prayers have helped us to be reminded of how blessed we truly are that Ethan's prognosis is good, that he is in remission, and that God is here with us through each and every step of the way. Ethan has learned more in these past few months about doctors, hospitals, chemo, side effects, transfusions, and procedures than many adults will ever learn in a lifetime. But most importantly, he has learned that faith in God can get him through anything! He is the strongest, most courageous little man I have ever known! Although his life is anything but normal for a 6 year old, we are grateful for every phase of his treatment that he completes, for every hair on his head that is beginning to grow back, for every hour at school he feels like attending, for every donor who has made his blood & platelets transfusions possible, and for every mile that is conquered by Team in Training members who have made the research possible to find a cure for Ethan's condition.


George Meza

Name - George Meza
Age - 55
Diagnosis - Follicular B Cell Lymphoma

I have been participating in TNT events since 2005. I have completed numerous Cycling Century rides, a half marathon, and I am currently training to participate in a TNT Half Ironman. I have held the positions of Participant, Mentor, Captain, and I am currently a TNT Cycling Coach. I was diagnosed in August of 2009 with Stage 4 Follicular B Cell Lymphoma (a treatable but not curable form of blood cancer). During 2009 I underwent intensive chemotherapy and during January 2010 I was re-staged as in Remission. Currently, I am undergoing maintenance chemotherapy, which will prolong the time before the illness returns.

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