Friday, May 6, 2011

Family Bike Ride

First Chisholm Trail Family Bike Ride Day 5-6-2011 2:00 -4:00 p.m.

2 hour ride = +9 Weight Watchers Activity Points

After bike ride - "On the Border" Sour Cream Chicken Enchilada Dinner and chips 57 Points!

Yes it was worth the activity and allll my extra points

We had a late breakfast so I only used 11 points for breakfast and lunch.

Made a two egg omelet so I had energy for the 10 mile bike ride :)

The new trail we tried was AWESOME! Chisholm Trail in Plano is a nice Family Trail.

Wide paved Trail, hardly any people were on the trail and only a few cars on the three places we had to cross neighborhood street traffic. Lovely Neighborhoods to look at and the trail is beside a creek so the woods were LOVELY and it was GREAT to see and be a part of God's Beautiful World!!!

Looking forward to the next family bike ride day. and.... the meal after it :)

To Run a Half Marathon Every Month

Goal 2011 Run a Half Marathon Every Month

I have this goal of running a Half Marathon every month this year.

So January 29th God let me run and walk the "Texas Half" in Dallas - That one hurt

On February 19th God let me run and walk the "Stonebridge Ranch Half Marathon" - more hills OUCH!

March I counted the Ft. Worth Cow Town Marathon for the March marathon. I tried to run the Ultra 50K but only made it to mile 21! It was on the 27 of February only a couple days before March and so well I counted it as my March half Marathon. :) Yes that one hurt but I am STILL MAD at myself for not finishing cause I know I could have! I ALMOST ran the Dallas Rock and Roll but I was at conference and didn't run it.

Well , April rolled around and I got sick the day of the half I planned to run (The Lone Star 70.3) It is UNFINISHED BUSINESS and God willing I will get to finish that race next year. I'm still mad at myself for not at least trying to finish the swim in that triathlon! The other half I really wanted to run in April was the "Hills and Heels Half Marathon". I thought I would be too sore from the Lone Star 70.3 so waited to long to enter and it sold out (I personally - Love the "Hills and Heels Half Marathon" so I was really sad when I didn't get to run it). I sure didn't want the Dream to die four months into the goal soooo.... on the last day of April...

God gave me the idea to make my own Half Marathon... It is the HOPE Marathon.

" Heavenly Opportunities for People Everyone!" To date it is my Favorite Half ever and... NO PAIN!

The fee to register is to give something to a charity of your choice and bring a stuffed animal if you have one to donate to the local fire department to help children who are in an emergency.

So it started at 9:30 a.m. AAAAHHHHH a nice time to start. The course was outside my front door. AAAAHHHH a nice place to run. Our neighborhood has a perfect one mile loop so I repeated it 13 times.

AAAAHHHH the convince of my own nice clean restroom to use. and the best part of all I could check on my 9 year old daughter every few miles. :)

Had a ball.... The weather was PERFECT. Temp in the 70's and 80's cloud covered and shaded almost the whole way!  My husband walked/ran the last three miles with me.  AAAAAAHHHHH such a happy memory!!! Thank you God.    The medal... My daughter made me a picture and my husband bought me a necklace with a running shoe on it.  My daughter added her little silver cross to the necklace Priceless!