God was so sweet to give me a new bike today :)
You know, as I kid I still remember that first bike crash. The BLOOD - the screams -the crying. I didn’t even cry today Praise God. Got mad – Got frustrated – Got determined but didn’t cry Praise God. My 8 year old daughter was crying for me though – she gave me the BIGGEST HUG ever and she said, “Mom I never saw ANYONE fall that hard, that many times and get back up, I am PROUD of you mom!” Priceless.
Thanks TEAM in Training for giving our family several more sweet miracles today!
You can share this with anyone that it might encourage.
Praise God!!!! What a DREAM COME TRUE… My husband TOTALLY surprised me with a very generous purchase! I think he is so proud of me and bit in awe too as I signed up to complete this Olympic Triathlon in a few months God willing :)
Chuck Warner at Plano Bike Mart let me test ride three bikes and watched as I rode each of them. Chuck helped us find EVERYTHING we needed bike, shoes, helmet, computer (my husband is a programmer and he WANTED this part), bike carrier, water bottle holders and even gloves – AND he had me fitted to the bike AND helped my husband put the car carrier on and load the bike to go home in less than 3 hours. Ephesians 3:20-21 happened AGAIN for me today!
The bike rides smooth the cement is however, HARD! I have only had THREE crashes so far… Two to the right and yep one to the left. Chuck should have made me test ride the shoes ha ha but I bet they hate to see people falling all over their parking lot. Getting out of those lock on shoes is, well, PAINFUL when you fall! I have my first Triathlon bloody arm and knee. I was happy that I didn’t tear up my running pants – that is probably a girl thing right? I had a talk with the bike (it does not have a name yet) and told it if it wanted to be all dented up and scratched up it was FINE with me but I was going to KEEP RIDING it so it ought to settle down and BE NICE TO ME. I guess the falls had to happen sometime, I’m glad the first ones are over – they were not as bad as I had expected and I hope and pray there won’t be many more crashes in the future or no one will want to ride beside me. I did manage to avoid my daughter on her bike and the cars that were headed toward me. Now, I TOTALLY see WHY we are going to meet at White Rock Lake to train and I’m LOOKING forward to the drive now. Susan Middleton-Mathis Ephesians 3:20-21 Help me fight Cancer by donating to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It is hard for me to ask for anything. I don't have trouble working for things but asking for help is, well, out of my comfort zone. and the fear of someone saying no is enough to send me into tears of shame of not being good enough. My first time to really ask for help in my life happened in the summer of 2008. I was diagnosed with a heart disease and through the shock and numbness I called and or my family called on you to pray for me. and I did a lot of begging. I begged God for the strength to push through and move on with life and not to give up! I begged him to let me see my little girl grow up and to get to hold my grandbabies and to live another day to encourage and be encouraged by His children. I begged God to help me lose the extra 100 pounds on my body that was physically, mentally, emotional, socially, and spiritually weighing me down. I begged Him to help me desire the food/water He wanted me to eat and drink. HE is Faithful and TRUE and He has changed the desires of my heart. I now desire to eat healthy and exercise and give HIM ALL PRAISE and GLORY. I thank Him for each day He gives me. Each day is still a battle but He is victorious! It took time and patience and yes work but 75 of the 100 pounds is off my body and I have energy and JOY and new STRENGTH! He answered your prayers and this verse has become my STRONG HOLD. Ephesians 3:20-21
He did IMMESURABLY more than I could even Imagine or DREAM OF....
So you might be wondering why am I Training with a group that raises money and awareness for Cancer and Leukemia and not Heart Disease. Because they, like you, came along side me and helped me when I needed it most. They helped me when I did not even know I needed help. They helped me BEFORE I even ask and - they offered it freely...
Five months ago I was determined to make a LIFE DREAM come true. I was in one of those dark days of what if I do not live another year... and I signed up to run The White Rock Marathon. I had been exercising 6 days a week for at least an hour a day doing water aerobics, feeling stronger and healthier everyday. Unfortunately, however I was not running.
The moments of the marathon day will forever be in my memory like those of the day a child is born or you get married. I was scared; yep! and cold, yep! and nervous, oh yes and supported... Praise God, my husband and daughter went with me and God gave me peace in the storm of the DREAM and He provided HELP too...
As I stepped over the starting line... There were over 15,000 runners that day and I held back until they all took off - I had no dream of winning just finishing. As God gave me strength to step over the starting line He sent what I like to call a "Purple Angle" to me. A lady in a Team in Training Purple jersey fell into step beside me. She asked me if this was my first marathon and I said, "Yes!" She talked with me for over 5 miles no stop. She said she was a past Team in Training Coach and if I wanted her to she would help me. Tears began to flow from my eyes as they do now while typing this and she said, "Honey are you o.k.?" I answered, "Yes these are happy tears of thankfulness to God for answering my prayer that He would bring people along side of me when I needed them today."
She smiled and said, "God is good all the time!" :) She taught me a book full of information in 5 miles that day, too much to write here but I will give you a feel for what she taught. As I continued to speed up and run faster, she continued to say, "Susan, ride the waves of energy from the crowd, don't waste your own energy, hold yourself back you will need your energy for the last few miles!" WOW! Looking back those were words of PURE GOLD! When I would drift over to the side of the street she would gently remind me , " Susan come run in the middle of the street with me - it is smooth here and your ankles will thank you latter." Another Gold nugget. When I tried to run through the water stations she calmly said, "Research proves you only save between 5 and 10 min running through water stations - walk, rest and drink. Don't water the freeway, it doesn't need it but your body needs every drop." and "Susan, drink at least one cup of water and at least half a cup of Gatorade at each station." I had planned to skip - not sip but SKIP - the Gatorade because I remembered in high school I thought it made me sick to my stomach. I reluctantly obeyed and I will be forever be thankful I did as I am sure it helped my legs from cramping. "When she noticed I was caring a water bottle she said NEVER let it get less than half full- fill it up at the next water station EVERY TIME." This bit of amazing insight proved lifesaving because I finished the marathon in LESS than record time and the last 4 water stations had been cleaned up and left when I went through them. One of the stations left bottle waters and let me tell you they were like candy to a baby when seen. She asked if I brought gu( energy bars ) or any other food and I said a sheepish, "No - I was not sure about that stuff because I had only run one mile before signing up and so I obviously had not trained using it and I did not want to get sick on it." She talked and talked and as she ran she continue to yell "GO TEAM!" as we ran past people or they ran past us! At mile five she said, "I'm stopping here to wait on some friends and she put three packs of gu in my hand and she said, "Susan, promise me you will take one of these at mile 10, 15 and 20." I said, "Sure, o.k., are you sure?" She gave me alllllll her food. I thanked her and gave her a hug. I never saw her again.
Only I do STILL see her in my MIND - every time I see a Purple shirt and I praise God for bringing her along side of me when I needed it most. I have a feeling she dropped out of the race after giving me her food and I have no doubt she prayed for me over and over that day, along with many of you, because it was ONLY by the grace of God that I finished that race. Along the way God sent another purple angle to run beside me. I actually have a photo with this purple angle! She was a teenager running for the TEAM! She encouraged me and I encouraged her and we ran together for many miles.
At mile 15 I almost gave up but I learned a lesson that day... God in us is STRONGER than we know! I prayed for Him to give me someone to help or someone to help me and he sent both! I noticed a lady on the path ahead of me limping. I asked if she wanted some company and she said, "Yes and smiled!" Her name I will never forget - it was Melissa. Melissa had pulled her hamstring and could not walk without a limp. She was going to have her forthiest birthday in three days and as a teenager, like me, she had promised herself she would run a marathon before she turned 40! She was so determined that as I jogged-shuffled beside her, she was walking so fast with her pulled hamstring I could hardly keep up. Well I'm 7 years older than her I rationalized :)
By mile 17 we would pass water stations as they were cleaning them up and I felt like the trash they were sweeping up - forgotten and left behind. I got a bit depressed and I asked Melissa, "So when are we going to quit?" and she said, "Never! I have the map in my pocket and if EVERYONE goes home I AM going to FINISH as long as my legs will MOVE!" That was allllll I needed to hear and it gave me the IF THEN statement... You know IF my legs do not move THEN I will quit.
I continued to compare the pain to childbirth. I was having contractions but no baby. In my mind, if the pain got as bad as it did before the epidural, I was going to quit. It never did. God is amazing. He made our bodies in such an AMAZING way . My feet and legs went sort of numb but they never stopped moving. At mile 22 I felt the blood ooze out of my blood blisters on my feet but NO PAIN - they were numb. I did feel sharp stabbing pains in my quads when I stepped on or off the curb. After the marathon the pain in my quads was so bad I could hardly even sit on the toilet and had to hold the wall to pull myself off of it but it never hurt as bad a childbirth and I had no mid-night breast feedings to worry about! :)
My husband and daughter walked to meet me at mile 25 and walked me in. Melissa was in better shape than I so when my husband and daughter caught up to me she pushed on to finish faster! I had no hope of being an official finisher that day but you know God is in control and when you don't give up He helps those that help themselves and He was there at that finish line. There were no crowds only the people who clean up and haul the barricades away and three more angels. A man who manually put my time into a machine and two ladies who clapped for me and put the tinfoil blanket around me. There were no more medals but the medal of courage I received that day can never be lost, stolen or burnt; it is in my heart. God also sent two angles in a police car that followed me to the finish line and helped us cross every major intersection. I am NOT proud of running without road training. I am proud of how God in me made a DREAM come true and He helped me finishing what I started that day and.... He sent people along side of me to help me when I needed it most! I want to give back and help others now.

"One step at a time, one mile at a time, one doctors appointment at a time!" This is what I repeat to myself as I run now - this is the team in training motto....
Today I TRAIN with Team in Training: Today I run, Today I swim, Today I ride a bike, and I push past my fear to help raise money for others who are going to the doctor today and pushing past their fear.
God willing I will complete the Toyota / Lifetime Fitness U.S. OPEN TRIATHLON in a few months. This time, I will be trained, and ready for the challenge.
And when I think I can't and I want to give up I still repeat - "I CAN do allllllllllllllll things through Christ who strengthens me!"
YOU can tooooo...
I don't know what fear you are personally pushing past today but I know you have one and I will be praying for you and I thank you for praying for all those who are fighting cancer and Leukemia
and If God leads you... go to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training (TNT)web site and donate $20.00
( My goal is to have $1,000 raised by Memorial day. All things are possible with God.)
He did IMMESURABLY more than I could even Imagine or DREAM OF....
So you might be wondering why am I Training with a group that raises money and awareness for Cancer and Leukemia and not Heart Disease. Because they, like you, came along side me and helped me when I needed it most. They helped me when I did not even know I needed help. They helped me BEFORE I even ask and - they offered it freely...
Five months ago I was determined to make a LIFE DREAM come true. I was in one of those dark days of what if I do not live another year... and I signed up to run The White Rock Marathon. I had been exercising 6 days a week for at least an hour a day doing water aerobics, feeling stronger and healthier everyday. Unfortunately, however I was not running.
The moments of the marathon day will forever be in my memory like those of the day a child is born or you get married. I was scared; yep! and cold, yep! and nervous, oh yes and supported... Praise God, my husband and daughter went with me and God gave me peace in the storm of the DREAM and He provided HELP too...
As I stepped over the starting line... There were over 15,000 runners that day and I held back until they all took off - I had no dream of winning just finishing. As God gave me strength to step over the starting line He sent what I like to call a "Purple Angle" to me. A lady in a Team in Training Purple jersey fell into step beside me. She asked me if this was my first marathon and I said, "Yes!" She talked with me for over 5 miles no stop. She said she was a past Team in Training Coach and if I wanted her to she would help me. Tears began to flow from my eyes as they do now while typing this and she said, "Honey are you o.k.?" I answered, "Yes these are happy tears of thankfulness to God for answering my prayer that He would bring people along side of me when I needed them today."
She smiled and said, "God is good all the time!" :) She taught me a book full of information in 5 miles that day, too much to write here but I will give you a feel for what she taught. As I continued to speed up and run faster, she continued to say, "Susan, ride the waves of energy from the crowd, don't waste your own energy, hold yourself back you will need your energy for the last few miles!" WOW! Looking back those were words of PURE GOLD! When I would drift over to the side of the street she would gently remind me , " Susan come run in the middle of the street with me - it is smooth here and your ankles will thank you latter." Another Gold nugget. When I tried to run through the water stations she calmly said, "Research proves you only save between 5 and 10 min running through water stations - walk, rest and drink. Don't water the freeway, it doesn't need it but your body needs every drop." and "Susan, drink at least one cup of water and at least half a cup of Gatorade at each station." I had planned to skip - not sip but SKIP - the Gatorade because I remembered in high school I thought it made me sick to my stomach. I reluctantly obeyed and I will be forever be thankful I did as I am sure it helped my legs from cramping. "When she noticed I was caring a water bottle she said NEVER let it get less than half full- fill it up at the next water station EVERY TIME." This bit of amazing insight proved lifesaving because I finished the marathon in LESS than record time and the last 4 water stations had been cleaned up and left when I went through them. One of the stations left bottle waters and let me tell you they were like candy to a baby when seen. She asked if I brought gu( energy bars ) or any other food and I said a sheepish, "No - I was not sure about that stuff because I had only run one mile before signing up and so I obviously had not trained using it and I did not want to get sick on it." She talked and talked and as she ran she continue to yell "GO TEAM!" as we ran past people or they ran past us! At mile five she said, "I'm stopping here to wait on some friends and she put three packs of gu in my hand and she said, "Susan, promise me you will take one of these at mile 10, 15 and 20." I said, "Sure, o.k., are you sure?" She gave me alllllll her food. I thanked her and gave her a hug. I never saw her again.
Only I do STILL see her in my MIND - every time I see a Purple shirt and I praise God for bringing her along side of me when I needed it most. I have a feeling she dropped out of the race after giving me her food and I have no doubt she prayed for me over and over that day, along with many of you, because it was ONLY by the grace of God that I finished that race. Along the way God sent another purple angle to run beside me. I actually have a photo with this purple angle! She was a teenager running for the TEAM! She encouraged me and I encouraged her and we ran together for many miles.
At mile 15 I almost gave up but I learned a lesson that day... God in us is STRONGER than we know! I prayed for Him to give me someone to help or someone to help me and he sent both! I noticed a lady on the path ahead of me limping. I asked if she wanted some company and she said, "Yes and smiled!" Her name I will never forget - it was Melissa. Melissa had pulled her hamstring and could not walk without a limp. She was going to have her forthiest birthday in three days and as a teenager, like me, she had promised herself she would run a marathon before she turned 40! She was so determined that as I jogged-shuffled beside her, she was walking so fast with her pulled hamstring I could hardly keep up. Well I'm 7 years older than her I rationalized :)
By mile 17 we would pass water stations as they were cleaning them up and I felt like the trash they were sweeping up - forgotten and left behind. I got a bit depressed and I asked Melissa, "So when are we going to quit?" and she said, "Never! I have the map in my pocket and if EVERYONE goes home I AM going to FINISH as long as my legs will MOVE!" That was allllll I needed to hear and it gave me the IF THEN statement... You know IF my legs do not move THEN I will quit.
I continued to compare the pain to childbirth. I was having contractions but no baby. In my mind, if the pain got as bad as it did before the epidural, I was going to quit. It never did. God is amazing. He made our bodies in such an AMAZING way . My feet and legs went sort of numb but they never stopped moving. At mile 22 I felt the blood ooze out of my blood blisters on my feet but NO PAIN - they were numb. I did feel sharp stabbing pains in my quads when I stepped on or off the curb. After the marathon the pain in my quads was so bad I could hardly even sit on the toilet and had to hold the wall to pull myself off of it but it never hurt as bad a childbirth and I had no mid-night breast feedings to worry about! :)
My husband and daughter walked to meet me at mile 25 and walked me in. Melissa was in better shape than I so when my husband and daughter caught up to me she pushed on to finish faster! I had no hope of being an official finisher that day but you know God is in control and when you don't give up He helps those that help themselves and He was there at that finish line. There were no crowds only the people who clean up and haul the barricades away and three more angels. A man who manually put my time into a machine and two ladies who clapped for me and put the tinfoil blanket around me. There were no more medals but the medal of courage I received that day can never be lost, stolen or burnt; it is in my heart. God also sent two angles in a police car that followed me to the finish line and helped us cross every major intersection. I am NOT proud of running without road training. I am proud of how God in me made a DREAM come true and He helped me finishing what I started that day and.... He sent people along side of me to help me when I needed it most! I want to give back and help others now.

"One step at a time, one mile at a time, one doctors appointment at a time!" This is what I repeat to myself as I run now - this is the team in training motto....
Today I TRAIN with Team in Training: Today I run, Today I swim, Today I ride a bike, and I push past my fear to help raise money for others who are going to the doctor today and pushing past their fear.
God willing I will complete the Toyota / Lifetime Fitness U.S. OPEN TRIATHLON in a few months. This time, I will be trained, and ready for the challenge.
And when I think I can't and I want to give up I still repeat - "I CAN do allllllllllllllll things through Christ who strengthens me!"
YOU can tooooo...
I don't know what fear you are personally pushing past today but I know you have one and I will be praying for you and I thank you for praying for all those who are fighting cancer and Leukemia
and If God leads you... go to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training (TNT)web site and donate $20.00
( My goal is to have $1,000 raised by Memorial day. All things are possible with God.)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
"Hills and Heels Half Marathon" Las Colinas Texas 5-2-10
5-2-2010 10:27PM
Dear Organizers and Volunteers of the "Hills and Heels Half Marathon" Las Colinas Texas, Like all of you I am sure :) I am tired BUT I could not let this day slip into tomorrow without writing this THANK YOU NOTE! Dozens of tiny details EACH YOU MADE HAPPEN were the HIGH LIGHT OF THIS PERFECT DAY FOR MY FAMILY AND I!!!!
* The EASY drive to the race and EASY parking and EASY shoe tag pick up and EASY wait in the short line to use the CLEAN PORT O POTTY WITH TOLITE PAPER AND ANTISEPTIC :) perfection!!!!
* Getting to the race early and taking photo's with my family around the stallion statutes and watching my little girl play contently around the SAFE fountains for 45 min - A TOTAL JOY AND HAPPY MEMORY.
* The ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL, SMOOTH RUNNING TRAIL!!!! - The shaded tree covered trail with the smells of jasmine and honeysuckle --- Oh my does it get any better than that - AMAZING!!!!
* I loved the out and back Trail!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome for sooooo many reasons...
- I could Visualize the trail back and have an idea of how far I had left to FINISH :)
- I knew where the water stations were on the way back and oh my what SWEET SWEET Volunteers you had... ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the stations were wonderful!!! Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- a BIG BIG HUG to the people who were sooooooooooooo thoughtful to pass out the gu gummy bears packets on the race trail!!!! They were soooo yummy and soooo needed and just GREAT!!!!!!!
- The spacing of the water stations and well ever little detail was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The info about where our family could cheer us on was sooooo sweet and nice - it was delightful and the out and back trail let them cheer us on TWICE without moving and they looked HAPPY and (they were safe because the trail was not right on the street) and they were having FUN!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
- The trail was soooooooooooooooo lovely I think I could have made it even without the people and the cool sings people set out and the other sweet distractions - dogs, babies, bells ringing allllll of the distractions help .... BUT THE best distraction of this race was the sights and smell of GOD'S BEATUTY alllllll around us... OH my the smell of the fresh air in the middle of the city was TOTALLY worth the entry fee alone....
- Seeing the winners :) because they run past you on the way in was AWESOME!!!!! It was soooooooo fun to cheer them on!!!! It was soooo cool to be close enough to almost touch them... To see the spark of compition in their eyes... so seeeeee what 0 percent body fat looks like to see them SMILE as they run THAT fast was a TOTALLY COOOOOOOOLLLL UNFORGETABLE experiacne - Thank you!
- LOVED LOVED LOVED the pace keepers dressed in skirts.... REAL MEN DO WEAR skirts :) They looked like they were having FUN! They looked like they felt valued and needed and appreciated and without all the other men in the race they well SMILED and looked calm and were a JOY JOY JOY to see! Loved the outfits and loved loved loved the balloons - Every time I saw a set of balloons in the air I felt light and happy and well like I was at a circus or six flags or a birthday party not in a half marathon...
* I would have signed up earlier in the year but the hills scared the pants off me and I was nervous about it being too hot.... Was God goooooooooooooooooooooooood to us or what - the day was PERFECT! cool breezes... cloudy but no rain.... God is soooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!
* I DID love the sings - You guys had some great ones... From the tortoise or the hare tooo You Finished YOU ARE A WINNER! to Pick your next race out and sign up for it today :) All of them were appreciated.
* I have a heart condition so seeing the paramedic on the bike was a sweet comfort each time I saw him and I know he passed me at least 4 times - WOW WHAT AN AWESOME GUY!!!
* The kind and caring Police officers -they SMILED - they looked like they felt valued and appreciated and I can HONESTLY say I VALUE AND APPRECIATE each one of them. The Officer on the motorcycle was so kind and sensitive and careful as he drove around us!
* The atmosphere was exciting but also CALM AND PEACEFUL and HEALING! Hard to describe but something I will never forget.... I was moved to tears of JOY as the race STARTED and SQUEELS of JOY as it ended...
* The hot baked potatoes were YUMMY YUMMY and a FUN SURPRISE!!! The ladies passing them out - just thinking about those ladies dancing and laughing to the music all around us makes me SMILE :)
* The young men that passed out the medals... Tears again... What an honor to have them put that medal around my neck... AMAZING VOLUNTEERS...
* Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much for not running out of medals... The White Rock and Armadilllo Dash both ran out and that is just well - honestly the saddest thing... They say they don't know what to do when they have extras.... I say give them to the water station volunteers - to the kids who we are trying to motivate to run the longer races by letting them run the shorter ones... KIDS LOVE THE MEDALS... My daughter sleeps in mine for days and says she dreams of winning hers soon :) THEY EARN them as much as we do!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I noticed yours did not have the date... hey that is TOTALLY OK with me I can go get it engraved. but not having one at all is just sad... Sorry for venting when you did it PERFECTLY - I just knew you were the kind of people who listen and thanks for listening and thanks thanks thanks for having the AWESOME MEDALS...
*The bib tags with our names on them COOOOOOLLLLLL idea. I am signing up early just for that...
*I am showing up early for the bagels next year tooooo and the orange slices BEFORE the race another SWEET SWEET and may I add delicious treat!!!! Thank you thank you thank you....
* I LOVE the name of the race and the high heel graphic sooooooo much!!!!! I do think you should put a LARGE sign on the web page telling first timers the hill are more like bumps in the road... DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT LET THEM STOP YOU FROM SIGNING UP... I almost didn't sign up for FEAR of the hills and guess what this was my first half marathon that DID NOT HURT ME!!!!!! Yea God! Yep you can quote me ....
* Walking the river walk area around the race... yep I was so REFRESHED we walked for another hour as a family AFTER the race! I felt better after the race than I did before the race- what an answer to prayer! It is sooooo obvious you guys are praying - believing - people! :) My dream goal is to run the Kauai marathon in Sept of this year and for the first time today after running your half - I felt HOPE and JOY and knew in my heart IT IS POSSIBLE! ALLLLLLL things are possible with God.... Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* and how do I end without saying thank you for the COOLEST most BEAUTIFUL T-shirts and medals EVER EVER EVER!!! I would have liked to buy a half dozen more of the shirts (One for everyday of the week I go to work out!!!:) but you were out of smalls - :) It's ok I have something to save for and look forward to next year... We did buy and extra medium and let my little girl use it for a night shirt - she too loved the colors and design to of course... TOTALLY WORTH $15.00
The only suggest I have is possibly having a Packet pick up at CONNIE KELLY'S CK SPORTS in McKinney :)
But honestly as a first time runner It was NICE to pick up near the trail and go see the trail so I was calmed and got some sleep - remember the hills REALLY scared me :) and your packet pick up was smoooooooth and sweet sweet sweet volunteers were EVERY PLACE :)
Oh and my little girl said she wished the GOLDALA'S were open on the river walk area cause she would have spent her allowance to give me a ride on it - she was sooooo proud of me.... :)
Oh she also said Balloons for the kids would have been cool... you know kids always milking it :)
I am sorry for any missed spelled words - I just wanted you to have a HAPPY THANK YOU TO READ When you woke up tomorrow.
God bless each of you in His special way!
Finished the race- testifying to God's grace... Acts.. 20:24
Victory in Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:57
Ephesians 3:20-22 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Susan Camille Middleton-Mathis... age 47
Husband John age 47 and
Daughter Faith age 8
Oh here are two gifts....
This one is from my daughter Faith.... You guys could sell Poster Board for $2.50 a poster board and have markers in big pots and us kids could make posters to cheer our mom's on... This would encourage us to get up early and get out of the house so mom would get to the race early and we could have fun making a poster during the hour before the race starts... and sell balloons for $2.50 tooo :)
This gift is from my husband - a T-shirt slogan idea to sell to allll the cheerleading dads.
.Our little 8 year old had to add her t-shirt design toooo
Dear Organizers and Volunteers of the "Hills and Heels Half Marathon" Las Colinas Texas, Like all of you I am sure :) I am tired BUT I could not let this day slip into tomorrow without writing this THANK YOU NOTE! Dozens of tiny details EACH YOU MADE HAPPEN were the HIGH LIGHT OF THIS PERFECT DAY FOR MY FAMILY AND I!!!!
* The EASY drive to the race and EASY parking and EASY shoe tag pick up and EASY wait in the short line to use the CLEAN PORT O POTTY WITH TOLITE PAPER AND ANTISEPTIC :) perfection!!!!
* Getting to the race early and taking photo's with my family around the stallion statutes and watching my little girl play contently around the SAFE fountains for 45 min - A TOTAL JOY AND HAPPY MEMORY.
* The ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL, SMOOTH RUNNING TRAIL!!!! - The shaded tree covered trail with the smells of jasmine and honeysuckle --- Oh my does it get any better than that - AMAZING!!!!
* I loved the out and back Trail!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome for sooooo many reasons...
- I could Visualize the trail back and have an idea of how far I had left to FINISH :)
- I knew where the water stations were on the way back and oh my what SWEET SWEET Volunteers you had... ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the stations were wonderful!!! Perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- a BIG BIG HUG to the people who were sooooooooooooo thoughtful to pass out the gu gummy bears packets on the race trail!!!! They were soooo yummy and soooo needed and just GREAT!!!!!!!
- The spacing of the water stations and well ever little detail was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The info about where our family could cheer us on was sooooo sweet and nice - it was delightful and the out and back trail let them cheer us on TWICE without moving and they looked HAPPY and (they were safe because the trail was not right on the street) and they were having FUN!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
- The trail was soooooooooooooooo lovely I think I could have made it even without the people and the cool sings people set out and the other sweet distractions - dogs, babies, bells ringing allllll of the distractions help .... BUT THE best distraction of this race was the sights and smell of GOD'S BEATUTY alllllll around us... OH my the smell of the fresh air in the middle of the city was TOTALLY worth the entry fee alone....
- Seeing the winners :) because they run past you on the way in was AWESOME!!!!! It was soooooooo fun to cheer them on!!!! It was soooo cool to be close enough to almost touch them... To see the spark of compition in their eyes... so seeeeee what 0 percent body fat looks like to see them SMILE as they run THAT fast was a TOTALLY COOOOOOOOLLLL UNFORGETABLE experiacne - Thank you!
- LOVED LOVED LOVED the pace keepers dressed in skirts.... REAL MEN DO WEAR skirts :) They looked like they were having FUN! They looked like they felt valued and needed and appreciated and without all the other men in the race they well SMILED and looked calm and were a JOY JOY JOY to see! Loved the outfits and loved loved loved the balloons - Every time I saw a set of balloons in the air I felt light and happy and well like I was at a circus or six flags or a birthday party not in a half marathon...
* I would have signed up earlier in the year but the hills scared the pants off me and I was nervous about it being too hot.... Was God goooooooooooooooooooooooood to us or what - the day was PERFECT! cool breezes... cloudy but no rain.... God is soooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!
* I DID love the sings - You guys had some great ones... From the tortoise or the hare tooo You Finished YOU ARE A WINNER! to Pick your next race out and sign up for it today :) All of them were appreciated.
* I have a heart condition so seeing the paramedic on the bike was a sweet comfort each time I saw him and I know he passed me at least 4 times - WOW WHAT AN AWESOME GUY!!!
* The kind and caring Police officers -they SMILED - they looked like they felt valued and appreciated and I can HONESTLY say I VALUE AND APPRECIATE each one of them. The Officer on the motorcycle was so kind and sensitive and careful as he drove around us!
* The atmosphere was exciting but also CALM AND PEACEFUL and HEALING! Hard to describe but something I will never forget.... I was moved to tears of JOY as the race STARTED and SQUEELS of JOY as it ended...
* The hot baked potatoes were YUMMY YUMMY and a FUN SURPRISE!!! The ladies passing them out - just thinking about those ladies dancing and laughing to the music all around us makes me SMILE :)
* The young men that passed out the medals... Tears again... What an honor to have them put that medal around my neck... AMAZING VOLUNTEERS...
* Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much for not running out of medals... The White Rock and Armadilllo Dash both ran out and that is just well - honestly the saddest thing... They say they don't know what to do when they have extras.... I say give them to the water station volunteers - to the kids who we are trying to motivate to run the longer races by letting them run the shorter ones... KIDS LOVE THE MEDALS... My daughter sleeps in mine for days and says she dreams of winning hers soon :) THEY EARN them as much as we do!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I noticed yours did not have the date... hey that is TOTALLY OK with me I can go get it engraved. but not having one at all is just sad... Sorry for venting when you did it PERFECTLY - I just knew you were the kind of people who listen and thanks for listening and thanks thanks thanks for having the AWESOME MEDALS...
*The bib tags with our names on them COOOOOOLLLLLL idea. I am signing up early just for that...
*I am showing up early for the bagels next year tooooo and the orange slices BEFORE the race another SWEET SWEET and may I add delicious treat!!!! Thank you thank you thank you....
* I LOVE the name of the race and the high heel graphic sooooooo much!!!!! I do think you should put a LARGE sign on the web page telling first timers the hill are more like bumps in the road... DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT LET THEM STOP YOU FROM SIGNING UP... I almost didn't sign up for FEAR of the hills and guess what this was my first half marathon that DID NOT HURT ME!!!!!! Yea God! Yep you can quote me ....
* Walking the river walk area around the race... yep I was so REFRESHED we walked for another hour as a family AFTER the race! I felt better after the race than I did before the race- what an answer to prayer! It is sooooo obvious you guys are praying - believing - people! :) My dream goal is to run the Kauai marathon in Sept of this year and for the first time today after running your half - I felt HOPE and JOY and knew in my heart IT IS POSSIBLE! ALLLLLLL things are possible with God.... Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* and how do I end without saying thank you for the COOLEST most BEAUTIFUL T-shirts and medals EVER EVER EVER!!! I would have liked to buy a half dozen more of the shirts (One for everyday of the week I go to work out!!!:) but you were out of smalls - :) It's ok I have something to save for and look forward to next year... We did buy and extra medium and let my little girl use it for a night shirt - she too loved the colors and design to of course... TOTALLY WORTH $15.00
The only suggest I have is possibly having a Packet pick up at CONNIE KELLY'S CK SPORTS in McKinney :)
But honestly as a first time runner It was NICE to pick up near the trail and go see the trail so I was calmed and got some sleep - remember the hills REALLY scared me :) and your packet pick up was smoooooooth and sweet sweet sweet volunteers were EVERY PLACE :)
Oh and my little girl said she wished the GOLDALA'S were open on the river walk area cause she would have spent her allowance to give me a ride on it - she was sooooo proud of me.... :)
Oh she also said Balloons for the kids would have been cool... you know kids always milking it :)
I am sorry for any missed spelled words - I just wanted you to have a HAPPY THANK YOU TO READ When you woke up tomorrow.
God bless each of you in His special way!
Finished the race- testifying to God's grace... Acts.. 20:24
Victory in Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:57
Ephesians 3:20-22 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Susan Camille Middleton-Mathis... age 47
Husband John age 47 and
Daughter Faith age 8
Oh here are two gifts....
This one is from my daughter Faith.... You guys could sell Poster Board for $2.50 a poster board and have markers in big pots and us kids could make posters to cheer our mom's on... This would encourage us to get up early and get out of the house so mom would get to the race early and we could have fun making a poster during the hour before the race starts... and sell balloons for $2.50 tooo :)
This gift is from my husband - a T-shirt slogan idea to sell to allll the cheerleading dads.
.Our little 8 year old had to add her t-shirt design toooo
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